Thursday, November 30, 2006

Dog Food

Dog Food

With the advent of commercial dog food came simplicity and time saving convenient foods that humans could feed dogs in a few seconds.

What about before that ?

Many people actually believe that there has always been dog food, but in reality, dogs were once scavengers.

Today we can choose to feed our dogs anything we like. But before you pick the highly processed and chemically treated foods, consider what a natural diet might be like for your dog.
I personally feed my Bullmastiff the bones and raw food diet ( BARF ) and when I saw her compared to her sister who eats only Eukanuba pellets...the difference was shocking. My dog has a shiny coat, pure white teeth, incredible muscle tone and no health problems.
Her sister from the same litter is skinny, has a dull coat and some plaque is coming to her teeth.

I realise this is only a very simple comparison, but I'd rather be safe than sorry with my puppy !!

More later on good nutrition for dogs and types of dog food.


PS; Here's something to get you started ; Nutritious Dog Food And Health Secrets To Increase Your Dogs Lifespan By Up To 134%

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