Monday, December 4, 2006

Dog Food - Clean your teeth !!

Dog Food - Clean your teeth !!

Humans are told to brush twice a day, floss if you are American ect... (not quite sure why NZ & Australia are not told to floss...) But what about your dogs' teeth.

Most people have seen those horrific pictures on the back of chew bone packets.
You know the ones...Pay us $19.99 for this bone or your dog's teeth will look like this...

Many dogs when feed solely on Dog Roll, Canned food or Pellets have shocking tartar, bad breath and gum disease.
There are 2 simple ways to put an end to this.

1. Raw bones from your butcher.

Just ask your butcher if they have spare bones or dog bones. Usually you only pay $1 or less for a big bag.
All you need to do is give your dog one a day. Your dog will love it (bones and meat are their natural food after all...) and it is a less expensive way of teeth cleaning than those pet shop bone things... And less grief than brushing your dogs teeth !

2. Bones and Raw Food diet - Switch your dog's food.

Seems like a big task, but really it's not.
From the butcher I get;
10kg chicken frames $10.00
2 kg Pet mince $2.00
1 pack of natural yoghurt $1.00

All the fruit & veg scraps, some whole eggs, maybe a tin of fish

I feed 1 chicken carcass twice a day with 50g of pet mince & some of the vege/egg/yoghurt mix.

I use the above amount and get 14 large freezer bags.
I spend 1/2 an hour every 2 weeks. I freeze each days' food in one freezer bag and bring it out the night before.

The result ?

My dog has perfect teeth, no "doggy" smell, no bad breath, a shiny coat, impressive muscle tone.
Sadly, it doesn't magically train the dog, but everything else is taken care of !!

If you want another reason to help your dog out; CHECK THIS OUT


Dog health - Teeth

BTW, click below for something else to think about....

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Friday, December 1, 2006

Dog Food

Dog Food

Many people won't even think twice about buying dog food. They listen to the breeder, their pet shop or even their vet when they are told that premium dog food is the way to go.

What they don't tell you is that this food is highly processed making it harder for the dog to absorb nutrients.
Also they forget to mention that a diet of this food alone most often leads to severe tartar on the teeth and VERY bad breath.

What they will NOT tell you is the results of a recent random testing that proved many premium brands actually contained a chemical which is only used in pet/animal euthanasia.

Why am I writing this ?
My beloved Bullmastiff Jasmine died on this diet.
My new Bullmastiff puppy Chloe, is feed all on raw meat and bones.
The difference is astounding.

I'm not the only one seeing this as THIS GUY will show you.

Next time; the diet I feed my dog and why !


PS; If you can, please check this book out.
Dog Food Secrets
If you are a dog lover it will really make you think about what you are feeding your animals :)
You also get a free recipe book;

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